Friday, December 19, 2008

The Quest

So, Tuesday night, Julie called me up and said "hey, can I come be a bum for a little while?" and of course I was fine with that, so she showed up, and "a little while" turned into the entire night cause she fell asleep. So, Wednesday "morning" when we all finally woke up, we realized that all three of us had an overweening desire for doughnuts. After ascertaining that A) no one would come and bring us doughnuts and B) we didn't really want to go all the way to Montgomery to get them, we finally gave in and got gas station doughnuts. Granted, they were sweet and tasty, and they filled us up, but, they really didn't satisfy that primal urge for Krispy Kreme.
Later that night, while we were sitting around at philosophy club, someone, I believe it was Kat, again brought up a desire for Krispy Kreme. Since everyone was about to head out anyway, and Evan and Alice expressed a similar desire, we made the decision to drive to Columbus to secure this prize. Now, Columbus is only about 30-45 minutes away, if you go the right way. Driving up 85 to the exit for 185 then driving back down 185 for about an hour is NOT the right way. A 30-45 minute trip quickly turned into almost two hours. Did I mention that I was sitting in the middle of the backseat, ie. the hump? We stopped at a gas station to get directions. The lady looked at us like we were crazy for asking for directions (we only later realized we were still an hour from Columbus) and wouldn't let us into the store because it was so late at night. After we FINALLY made it to Columbus, we got lost - twice. Now, these detours weren't entirely useless as during them we found both the S-Mart sign that we took pictures in front of for Julie, and the Cat Walk strip club - which we only avoided going to because Evan was demanding doughnuts.
So, after this long and arduous search, we finally spotted the holy grail, the blazing Krispy Kreme sign. We whipped into the parking lot, barely containing our glee, only to discover that it is not a 24 hour establishment. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We gave brief consideration to waiting for it to open in 3 hours, such was our desire for the fluffy, sugary goodness, but in the end we decided that that was not feasible. So, we went next door and ate at Waffle House. Yes, that's right my friends - we took a 2 and a half hour trip, merely to eat at Waffle House.

1 comment:

Alice Renee S. said...

And it was the best Thanksgi- wait, no. It was the best... dumbest... shortsighted... um... It was foggy. And we listened to fun music! Right?