Saturday, October 18, 2008

Forgotten Web Space

Wow, I forgot I had this particular site. I only attempted logging back in because I was having trouble commenting over at Rhys' blog (which by the way, if you haven't seen, you should check out). Hmmm, you ever wonder what happens to webspace that you lay a claim to, then ignore? I mean, obviously some places require that you either post every so often, or relinquish the username, but some don't. I wonder if a blog feels unloved if you just forget about it. Or maybe there's a tally kept somewhere of all the claimed, but unused web space. Come to think of it, it's kind of like the homesteading act - it's free cyberland! Except you're not required to do anything productive with it...
Anyway, now that I have remembered this poor, abandoned piece of websoil, mayhap I shall try to post here more often. At the very least I guess I could cross-post like I occasionally do for xanga, eh?